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How to install Apache and PHP in cpanel server via easyapache, The perfect cpanel setup

Cpanel easyapache is a simple and easy software, that bundled with the industry leader hosting control panel software, Cpanel. It have an easy interface to do apache and php installation. You can chose any of the favourite apache modules and php module. This is a standard documentation, that will help you to setup a perfect cpanel server without worrying about it.

Cpanel support multiple php versions and php handlers. The php handlers are the handlers connected to the apache web server, so that you can run php scripts in your server using the apache web server. There are different type of handlers available in cpanel. Some of them are cgi, fcgi, suphp, DSO, Lsapi , etc,. To know more about handlers please read it from the cpanel documentation

This article is to setup apache with php as SUPHP handler. So to run suphp, the maximum allowed file permissions are 644 and directory permissions are 755. So if you any the php scripts have 777 permission , you will surely see a 500 internal server error.

Before proceeding with apache and php installation or upgrade in production server with websites, please note the following. If you are a tech and working on help desk, you may need to run the following commands and add a proper note. This will help you to trouble shoot, if any error happen.

    • 1) Find the default php version

You can go to WHM >> Software >> MultiPHP Manager and see which is the system default php version. Or simply run the following command and add it as note.

[root@server ~]# php -v
PHP 7.0.33 (cli) (built: May 30 2019 20:54:26) ( NTS )
Copyright (c) 1997-2017 The PHP Group
Zend Engine v3.0.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2017 Zend Technologies
    with the ionCube PHP Loader (enabled) + Intrusion Protection from (unconfigured) v10.3.2, Copyright (c) 2002-2018, by ionCube Ltd.
    with Zend OPcache v7.0.33, Copyright (c) 1999-2017, by Zend Technologies

Here this server is running php 7.0. So after completing easyapache, the default php version must be 7.0

    • 2) What are the php versions currently installed and what are the handlers.

As I said cpanel support multiple php versions. So check all the php versions and handlers using the following command and make a note for it.

[root@server ~]# /usr/local/cpanel/bin/rebuild_phpconf --current
DEFAULT PHP: ea-php70
ea-php56 SAPI: suphp
ea-php70 SAPI: suphp
ea-php71 SAPI: suphp
ea-php72 SAPI: suphp

This server have php56, php70 , php71 and php72 . All are using suphp as handlers. So we need to make sure after the installation this configuration must stay. Also don’t remove any of the php versions from the above list. In future if you need to add php73 , then simply add it without removing the existing versions.

    • 3) Update cpanel before easyapache.

It is always better to do an upcp before doing easyapache in whm. So that you will get the latest packages. To update the cpanel simply run the following script.

[root@server ~]# /usr/local/cpanel/scripts/upcp
    • 4) Start Easyapache 4 from whm

Now login to the whm via port 2087 as root user and go to Software >> EasyApache 4 . There you can see different profiles. It is always better to chose “Currently Installed Packages” and proceed to “Customize”.

    • 5) Apache MPM Choice

This is the next step. Select the apache MPM. It is always good to select the mod_mpm_worker It works well with suphp . So we select that and click next.

    • 6) Apache Modules

This is an important step. You should chose the following apache modules. We are going to setup suphp as suexec server.

    • After selecting the above modules, go to next step
    • 7) PHP versions

In this section, you can select all the php versions you need. Please remember to enable all the previously enabled php versions. In this server we have php56, php70, php71 and php72. We select all this version. Then we are going to add one more version that is php73 . Select the versions and click next ./p>

    • 8) PHP Extensions

This step is a big long list of php modules. You need to enable the following modules in all of the php versions for a better working. I am using 73 as a php version string here . You need to chose all these modules from php56,php70,etc,.

php73-php-ioncube10  , Chose the latest available ioncube encoder.

So you can see I selected a lot of php modules, why ? If you chose these modules, 99% of your php CMS or frameworks works fine in a shared cpanel server without any issues. As the modules are dynamically compiled extensions, this doesn’t increase any php resources usages. So scripts like wordpress, joomla, majento , yii2 frameworks, Larawel etc,. works fine without any issues. So after selecting the options go to next.

    • 9) Ruby Via Passenger

This is ruby on rails module installation with mod_passenger. We really don’t need to enable any of this options. You only enable this , if you have any clients using ROR in you cpanel server. So simply go to next step without selecting any options from this menu.

    • 10) Additional Packages

This is the tomcat and NodeJS package selection in cpanel. We really don’t need to enable this options, unless you have a special client with custom requirements. Normally in shared hosting server. these features won’t be required. So we don’t enable any options in this menu, go to next.

    • 11) Review

This is a final review section. You can see all of your selected packages. So smply verify it and click provision.

It will take some time to do the provision. After finishing it check the server php configuration using the following command.

[root@server ~]# /usr/local/cpanel/bin/rebuild_phpconf --current
DEFAULT PHP: ea-php70
ea-php56 SAPI: suphp
ea-php70 SAPI: suphp
ea-php71 SAPI: suphp
ea-php72 SAPI: suphp
ea-php73 SAPI: suphp

You now see , we have php73 enabled as suphp in the server. With default php as php70.

You may also need to monitor the apache error logs to see if there any issues with any domains.

 [root@server ~]# tailf /var/log/apache2/error_log 

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